community -- Synergy -- Creativity
Our Offerings at a Glance
Something happens on a deeper level when you join yourself to a group of like-hearted people.
At Spirit Wind Center, we do what we can to foster that comeraderie by hosting everything from art parties to writing workshops. Open studio to individual appointments. Healing prayer to prayer for creative release.

Art & Soul
- Multi-media workshops, art parties
- Journaling & writing workshops
- One-one-one creative coaching
- Original artwork available for sale
- Open studio hours for Partners and visitor
Healing & Personal Transformation
- Healing prayer by appointment
- Weekly transformation service
- Training in healing prayer
- Generational healing
- Overcoming Abuse
- Self-Care for caregivers
Spiritual Direction & Fine Tuning
- Individual appointments
- Dream interpretation
- Books, CDs & teachings available for sale
- Training in prophetic revelation
- Chapel for prayer, worship & meditation
On the Road
- Retreats & conferences
- Classes for leaders in training
- Art shows, talks and book signings
Would You Rather Have Personalized Attention?

We Specialize in one-on-one:
- Art Classes
- Artist Way Dates
- Personal Retreat Day
- Personal Play Time
- Creative Coaching
- Healing Prayer
- Spiritual Listening
- Dream Interpretation
- Spiritual Words
Want to Get Together With Family & Friends?
Or maybe you want to get together for a fun time with coworkers or club members.
Whether it is birthday parties, ladies night out, club activity, business group get together, etc. art parties are fun activities that everyone can enjoy. You don’t have to be artistic to do well and everyone comes out with their own individual piece.
So make plans for a “Rip-Roaring” time (pun intended) as you pick a date for your get together. BYOB and you can make it a time to “Rip & Sip.”
But make sure you find a date that works for you. Sign up for an Art Party hosted by our artist in residence — Lisa Leach.