Creative Time -- Relationship -- Spiritual Tune-Up
Studio Hours
We love having a blend of regular hours and other times where we can come and go at our whim. Creative people are like that.
Structure helps us get things done. That is why we have regular hours.
Creativity allows us to follow our muse at random times. That is why we have some flexibility during the week

come by appointment -- Or by chance
What are You Doing?
We are always creating something — art, writing, web design — you name it. Or catching up with visitors. That is all done in the studio.
But many of those times you will find us in the chapel instead of the studio. That is where we are meditating, praying or getting some inspiration. It is also where Jim meets with people who want spiritual direction. (If that happens then it is a private meeting, so the chapel is not available to other people while he is meeting with someone).
But hey, we love having people come through so that we can show off the place.
When Are You Open?
Studio Hours:
- Tuesday through Thursday — 11 AM to 4 PM
- Saturdays — 10 AM to 2 PM
Special Services:
- Healing Services with Communion — Wednesdays 7 PM to 9 PM
- Lectio Divina Dinner & Communion — 1st Wednesday of the month — 6 PM to 9 PM
Art Parties:
- ONLY by appointment so call Lisa to make it happen.
All other days are by chance or by appointment.

Wanna Know a Secret?
Here’s our little secret: the local Farmer’s Market meets all year round at the Velvet Mill. Outdoors in the summer and indoors in the Winter.
That is a great time to get your body nourished with fresh food. Then you can come up to create with us and get your soul nourished as well.
Some people love to book a personal art party (only $30 per person) — while all this is going on. Or you can come by for some personal meditation time in our chapel.
Very often you can meet with our other partners who stop by to say hello or who have their own art to do.
Either way, the Velvet Mill, where we are located, is a very busy place on the weekends. So don’t miss out.