When we behold beauty it expands our vision
Arts Reach the Heart
We are not just creatures, but spiritual beings. And given our imaginations, we’re meant to see more than we do with our physical eyes.
When we behold beauty it expands our vision. We’re ennobled for a larger purpose.
At the same time, beauty touches us personally. The arts reach the heart as nothing else can. We’re called deeper, into places of vulnerablily, where we’re challenged to open up and become more truly ourselves.
To be “spiritual” is not to be lofty and above it all. It is certainly mystical, but it’s also about being fully human.
There are plenty of dangerous, high-risk professions out there. The arts may not be considered a dangerous field in most people’s mind. But it takes great courage to open up, dig deep, and take the risk of sharing very personal creative works with the general public.
It's never too late for your personal renaissance
To us, creative people are like bridges, stretching themselves as they reach out to communicate what’s in the heart…
- stretching their imaginations,
- stretching their resources,
- stretching the limits of a culture that may or may not be open to their art
…Just the act of putting something that is spiritually sensed into a tangible form of any kind — that alone is a huge stretch, for it bridges two worlds.
It’s with this understanding that we began Spirit Wind Center. We wanted a place where people engaging in the arts could feel at home and find it safe to take those risks.
A place where those who may have been shut down or shut up could venture back out again.
A spiritually spacious place where inspiration can happen.
Many people have been just plain busy for many years, working to earn a living, raising their kids, dealing with life’s curve balls. That’s why one of our main motto’s is: “It’s not too late for your personal renaissance.”

We Come at it from all angles
- Some people want to do an art party. It’s pure fun, a great way to socialize and gets the creative juices going in a light-hearted way.
- Others want to do -one-on-one creative coaching to have more personalized encouragement and hone their craft.
- Many opt for healing prayer that targets a certain area where they’d like to get unstuck or de-activate old triggers.
- Some choose to do various workshops, such as “Making Your Mark: Forging Your Creative Identity.”
- Others just come to be in the space and get away from the distractions at home.
For those who’d like to go deeper, Lisa is affiliated with the Milan Art Institute and can offer personal guidance and coaching for anyone taking their courses.
Pure Fun Nurtures Your Spirit
When you take time to play and o any kind of creative work, you are nurturing your spirit. In addition, you’ll experience the benefits in other areas of your life as well.
So consider …
What draws you? If you’re feeling nudged to sample any of these offerings, by all means contact us below.
Or come and visit to see if you feel at home here. Ask us more about art and the spirit. That’s what we’re here for.

Are you feeling nudges by any of these offerings?
drop us a line and Set up a time to meet