Prayer For Creative Release
This “Prayer for Creative Release” is adapted from a prayer that our Artist-In-Residence, Lisa Leach, prays over people who come to her for instruction.
This prayer is personalized so that anyone can use it for themselves. However, if you want to reinforce this prayer, you should consider making an appointment with Lisa to get some personal attention.
Her training and insights will help you get unstuck in art and in life.
Prayer for the Release of Creative Juices

Creator of the Universe, thank you for making me creative! Thank you for beauty and variety.
Let my creative time be a fruitful and healing time. I invite your Holy Spirit to hover over my work and give me light and inspiration. As I work with my hands, please work in my heart. Bring together the different pieces of my life and make something beautiful of them.
In areas where I have been squashed, pushed into a wrong mold or held back from engageing my creative gifts, I ask for new freedom. I forgive those who have neglected to nurture me and I let go of those who have oppressed me in any way.
If I have picked up lies and “mind noise” associated with creativity — (thoughts like: “I can’t draw” or “I don’t have any talent,” or “I should be doing something more important” and “[fill in the blank] — I ask the Spirit to break off those lies in my life. Release me from the limitations they have put on me.
I line up with the Creator who has made me to be creative. I declare that I have something special inside that is meant to be expressed. I Declare that this time IS important and vital to life.
Help me let of perfectionism and ask to be released from habits that keep me in a box. I ask that you break off past disappointments, failure and fears.
Bless me to recieve love and light and to enter into a new level of discovery and wonder as I take time to play. Bless me with courage to try new things. Bless me with spiritual stamina and boldness to take those risks.
Let me feel God’s pleaure as I engage in creative work now. Unstop wells in my soul and let fresh ideas and ways of seeing spring up along with creative juices. Amen.