What to expect
Creative Coaching Is...
- A way to receive encouragement and helpful feedback, one-on-one.
- And extra set of eyes and ears in a safe place — a “pre-audience” with which to test/share your work.
- A respectful process in which you may hone your craft and better see how your gifts and your message fit into a larger picture.
Studies of successful people reveal that no matter how accomplished of far ahead they get, those who do best and last longest are the ones who continue to work with mentors of some kind.
Not only is it less lonely, but it also keeps us on our toes to keep learning and interacting with people as we go along.
About the coach (Lisa)
As someone who has practiced in the areas of visual art, writing, music and drama, I can usually address people’s creative process in relevant ways.
There are some aspects of that process that are common to any medium or art form, and there are other aspects that are particular to certain art forms. It does help to have a person who’s able to speak the language.
As someone who’s been stuck in the past and found out ways to get un- stuck, I can usually help you address any blockages that are in there and loosen your ideas and projects free from their various logjams.
As someone who works intuitively and has a background in inner healing, I tend to see things in terms of what is about to come forth or get restored, not in terms or what’s “wrong.”

Don't take my word for it...find out in person!
I also work with people long distance via skype, zoom, facetime, etc.