Artwork & Dream Symbols
Many dreams awaken a strong response. You can’t get them out of your head but you need to figure out what they mean. Using artwork and dream symbols seems to help with undertanding.
One great way to interact with dreams is to use some art form — paint, clay, music, wood, poetry, collage, comic strip, etc. — to express the dream or to interact with the symbols in the dream.

Divine Seeing
In effect, you are using the artwork and dream symbols to do a form of spiritual seeing — visio divina.
In other words you are using a image or sensation (artwork/music based on your dream or symbol) to pay attention to what the Creator may be saying to you.
At Spirit Wind Center we are convinced that the spiritual and the creative come from the same place inside of you:
- Some call it that place in your heart.
- Many call it being “in the zone.”
- Others think of it as being dropped into your imagination.
We believe it is from God. As your Creator, He helps you to create.
Imagine Your Dream was a Movie...
Think about the dream or the dream symbol in your mind’s eye. Interact with it in your imagination.
Imagine your dream was a movie and enter the scene. From that place begin to develop your art symbol.
You may even want to say a Prayer for Creative Release to remove any doubts or blockages you may have.
Interact using your hands even as you interact in your mind’s eye. Let the dream or symbol come out the way it wants to, even if it appears differently from the way it appeared in the original idea. That’s okay.
As you make your art piece, reflect on the insights and feelings that surface. Ask yourself: why did this symbol have so much energy in that that you remember it so vividly?
Personalize the artwork, even as you sign it and date it for future meditation.

Consider Starting a Dream Group

Consider working together with others or even with your family. Maybe even share the dream as part of a dream group.
You may want to share your art piece and your experience of creating it.
Be sure to tell the story behind the artwork. Very often the act of telling the story will give you more insight as to the meaning of the dream symbol.
After you have finished your creation keep your work in a special place where you are likely to be involved with it again. You may gain new insights and release new creative expressions as you continue to ponder it.

Reflect on what you have created
A dream from God is a spiritual creation. And dream symbols reflect God’s special language. So….. as you create your art you will find it helpful to partner with the Creator in developing your masterpiece.
But don’t stop there. Continue to reflect on what God may be revealing in the dream or with a dream symbol.
Often dreams and symbols remain mysteries because we do not take the time to discern their meaning.
Here’s an idea: ask the Spirit of Truth to download words or images into your heart or mind. Then use the artwork as part of a simple prayer for what God is showing you in the dream.