Let your Subconscious Mind brainstorm for you
Profit while you Sleep
To go beyond where you are now, you need to take on new thinking or gain new insights.
It turns out that there is a tried and true method to boost your creative output and to figure out how to get out of personal puzzles or problems.

When you Sleep Your subconscious mind is Active
unleash your subconscious while you sleep
As a creative artist or business owner (or both), you may be delighted to know that there is a way to get your subconcious mind to brainstorm on your behalf — while you sleep.
No, really. And you will wake up refreshed.
This is a tried and true method to boost creativity and to get you ideas of overcoming roadblocks in life.
To go beyone where you are, you need to come up with some new thinking or get new insights. After all, your present thinking got you where you are right now — stuck.
This is where sleep comes in.
CNN Money reports on several people who are devoted to the strategy of “sleepworking.” That is where people take power naps so that they can boost their brain function.
True, if you are like most people the work environment does not allow that kind of luxury.
BUT don’t let that stop you. Use your “downtime” at night to allow your subconscious to incubate fresh ideas and insights.
3 Quick Tips
Brainstorm while you sleep
Step 1: Identify Your Problem — but DON’T try to solve it.
It is too tempting to wrestle with the problem before we understand it. Instead, it is helpful to write out what you think the problem is.
Writing it out forces you to organize your thoughts and prepare well for the the next step. Put it in the form of a question.
For example:
- How can I fix this personel issue at work?
- What is really going on that I do not understand?
- What is the next step I need to take?
- How do I fix this artpiece so that it flows better?
- Who can I approach that might know the answer?

Step 2: Ask Yourself to Look For the Answer.
The question that wrote out should be the last thing you think about before you go to sleep.
Make sure that you do NOT consciously try to solve your problem. It will only gum up the works if you do.
Step 3: Be Patient But Be Prepared
It may take a day or two for the answer to pop into your head. Don’t worry; trust the process.
You may get an answer in a dream or something may come to you when you are away and doing something else. It may come as your are writing in a journal.
No matter how it comes, you want to be prepared.
Snatch those thoughts before you lose them
It is said that dreams are written in disappearing ink. So are quick thoughts, insights and impressions that you have during the day. That is why you want to keep a pen and paper handy. Or that recording device/phone app. Or keep a small notepad in your pocket as you go through your day.
Maybe you want a dream journal to keep by your bed. Write down both the question you asked and the answer you got.
Above all, find a way to snatch those thoughts or impressions or insights before you lose them.
With all the busyness of your day, it’s nice to know that your “down time” can be very productive and enlightening too.
So go ahead: brainstorm and profit while you sleep.