Go Beyond Your Wildest Dreams with
Healing Light: The Creative Energy of God
If we receive the Light of God into our hearts it can gently remove the blockages and allow our souls to soar.
If we receive the Light of God into our bodies it can bring healing.

If we try turning on a lamp and it does not work, we look at the wire to see if it is plugged in. Or we look at the circuit breaker to see if it got overloaded.
If we try to connect wirelessly to the internet and don’t succeed, we look to the software on our smartphone to see what is happening. Or we look at the router to see that all the indicator lights are green.
What we do NOT do is give up just because there is not power or no connection. Nor do we hope that it will all come together someday so that the electricity flows. That would be foolish.

We make sure about our connection:
It's the Same with the Healing Light of God
Our whole world is full of that mysterious power we call electricity. It is also overrun with those secret wavelengths of energy that help us stay connected with our smart phones.
In the same way, the whole earth is full of the creative energy of God. The scriptures say that the “whole earth is full of His glory”. But the only amount that flows through us is the amount that will work. There has to be a connection for us to “work”.
We think (or pray) “Oh God, please do this or that!” When it doesn’t happen we conclude that there is not use in such talk (prayer). We doubt the ability of God or of God’s creative energy to produce within our lives and our bodies.
We are supposed to connect our power cords to God's healing light.
Just as a whole universe full of electricity will not light a house unless that house is prepared to receive that electricity … so the infinite, eternal and creative energy of God will cannot help us unless we are prepared to receive that life within ourselves.
The healing light does its work BECAUSE God chooses to do things through us, not just for us. And the way it works is a simple as breathing, or inevitable as a sunrise.
The creative energy of God does its work because God set up law of the spirit of life. Someday we will understand the principles of that law. They underly the miracle-working power of God.
After all, that law works as simply and naturally as the laws that let us see and hear a person who is far away because we have a television or smartphone.
God has provided enough power within His laws to do anything that He desires. And His desire is unlimited miracles. It is for us to learn the simplicity and beauty of His laws that set His power and creativity free. And to be gushers of unlimited miracles.
That’s how the healing light does its great work. And that is what makes Spirit Wind Center a place of creativity and healing.

Jim Leach
Lisa C. Leach