Spiritual Direction is for a crossroad in life
People who come for spiritual direction are not necessarily in a crisis.
They are NOT looking for counseling. They do NOT want to be coached in what they do.
Usually they feel that they are in some sort of crossroad in life.
They feel that God is leading them or working on them. And they are looking for someone to help them figure out which way to go.
In other words, they are looking for a “soul friend.”
What happens in a spiritual direction time?
During a spiritual direction session, you may become aware of God’s presence or influence in your life — and His great love for you.
Often you’ll find that the logjams of your life begin to sort themselves out and you develop a creative release.
So…if you are looking for a sacred, private space to explore a reconnection with God’s loving plan for your life… then Spirit Wind Center might be a great place to start that journey.

Who Could Use Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is for people in all sorts of life situations like:
- those who are thriving,
- people who are hurting,
- folks who are trying to find their way,
- everyone who needs creative release,
- individuals who are questioning their personal choices.
So, What is it like to have a soul friend?
A soul friend understands that God’s grace is always at work in your problems, struggles, or issues. They don’t try to solve them and definitely don’t try to fix you. (That would make the soul friend like God).
Instead, a sould friend listens together WITH you, knowing that the real spiritual director is the Holy Spirit. As you talk together about your life, they look for signs of grace — pressure points of life — where God is working or giving you opportunities to grow.
- Where have you noticed God in your life?
- When have you felt His absence?
- In what ways has He comforted you in your journey?
- What patterns are being revealed in your life?
These are some of the questions that may be asked during a spiritual direction meeting. They give some perspective on what you are going through.
Seeing God at work in those pressure points makes them less burdensome. It gives hope and direction to what your are experiencing.
In other words they do some very deep listening on your behalf.