Energy -- Creativity -- Soul Friend
Short Guide for Soul Care & Spiritual Reflection
Sometimes you know exactly what you want when you reflect on life and the spirit. Other times you may wonder if you have anything that needs to be shared.
Either way it is helpful to do some self-reflection. This will enable you to do some mid-course corrections in life. It will also help you have a fruitful time with your spiritual director or other soul friend.

Suggestions for Soul Care
Take some time to invest in yourself. Be purposeful and go some place where you can prepare for some spiritual reflection.
Ideally you can do it a day or two before you have an appointment with a spiritual director or soul friend. But either way you will probably want to journal.
Try for at least 15 or 20 minute blocks throughout the day. An hour at a time may be better for some, but give yourself the time that you can.
Take a few moments to silence yourself so that you can be alert to what your heart is saying.
Silence Helps Alertness
You may want to use the “questions for self reflection” as prompts. Just respond ONLY to the ones that open a window in your soul. And journal what comes to you.
Then when you are done, review the “broad stokes” of what you’ve learned during this time.
Questions for Self-Reflection
These are not the only questions you may have but they are good prompts to start:
- In what ways am I currently nurturing or tending my spiritual life?
- What are my regrets right now? What am I thankful for?
- How would I describe my relationship with God at this moment?
- Are there things that have helped (or hindered) my pursuit of God or of spiritual things?
- When is the last time I felt the love of God? Or of others?
- Am I open and responsive to the Spirit? What has affected this?
- What experiences, events, relationships, etc. have communicated a sense of God’s presence with me?
- What real life issues would I like to bring into a discernment process. What guidance would I want?
- In what ways have I sensed God speaking into my life lately?