Creativity -- Vibrancy -- Mindful
Blueprint For a Spiritual TuneUp
Done well, a spiritual tuneup leads to freedom and creative flow.
Think of it this way, a musical instrument needed to be intentionally adjusted from time to time — tuned — in order to give perfect sound.
In the same way we need to be retuned in order to operate at the perfect vibration.

it's not unusual to need a personal adjusment
What is a Spiritual TuneUp?
A spiritual tuneup is and intentional look at you life with your creator. It is a guiltless way to attune yourself to God and to open yourself to grace and inner healing.
Think of the things in life that need tune-ups; cars, bicycles, musical instruments, scientific equipment, software, machinery, computers, etc.
All of these things are an intregal part of life. It is not unusual for us to adjust settings, reset connections or tweak things to our liking.
In the same way our souls need to be tuned-up from time to time.
If you notice a lack of spiritual energy, (and often physical energy) it is a clue that you need some personal maintenance.
A car and musical instrument do not tune themselves; to run best they need a master.
You do not have to tune-up yourself. You give yourself over to the master — the Spirit of God — to set you into the right frequency or the “correct” flow of energy.
Reset the Connection
How Do You Perform a Spiritual TuneUp?
Understand that it takes some intentional effort. You are giving
There are two parts to a spiritual tune-up. These two parts give your spirit the attention it deserves. Put another way, the tune-up is an intentional look at your connection with your Creator — AND yourself.

Part 1: Diagnose & Reflect
This is where you carve out some time to reflect on your spiritual life. A couple of hours over a couple of days (or on one day) should be more than enough.
This should be done in a place where you will have no destraction or interruption. Ideally, you should go to your favorite life-giving spot.
Center yourself. Settle yourself inwardly. Look prayerfully at the past few months of your life. Record your reflections in a journal (or on your ipad).
Use these questions to launch your reflection.
Consider what has helped you connect with your Creator. Identify the desires and dreams that stir your soul right now. Think about some life adjustments you could make so that you can line up with those desires and dream.
Part 2: Tune in & Tune Up
Once you reflect on your spiritual life, you will want to process those reflections with a mentor or with your spiritual director (or both). This is where the tune-up gets refined.
Bringing someone else into the process gives you better objectivity and (hopefully) wisdom to move forward.
This is where you discern a path forward. It is also where you attune your spirit to your Creator. You open yourself to His touch for inner healing and creative release.
If you want some help with all this, then contact Jim & Lisa below….
Together you can discern the way that nurtures your deepest need.

Want to find out more about Spiritual tuneUps?
drop Jim a line and Set up a time to meet