Also, it will be easier for you to recieve the healing light if you practice loving your body. That way you line up with the way the Creator works.
We do not support using the guidelines below as a “system.” The Creator of the Universe is very relational and works through relationships. Including the relationship we have with ourselves.
Still, the following suggestions may help usher you toward what you need.
Gentle Steps to Use Light to Heal
Understand that the FIRST STEP in producing results by any power is to contact that power. In other words you need to connect with God. This is not begging. It is placing yourself in position to receive. Without this step, the rest us useless:
Choose the same time and the same place every day; make yourself comfortable and relax. It would be well to do this at least twice a day.
Remind yourself of a life outside of yourself. You may not really know who God is but you should know that something sustains this universe … and that something is not you.
Connect with God and ask for His life force to come in and increase the life in your body. You may prayer such as: “Heavenly Father, please increase in me at this time by your life-giving power.”
Make a picture in your mind of your body being well. Think especially of the part of the body that most needs healing. See it well. Picture it shining with God’s light. Watch the healing light nurture it back to perfect health.
Give thanks that this is being accomplished. It helps to keep the power flowing by giving thanks for it. “Thank you God that your life force is coming into me and increasing the life in my spirit, soul, and body.”

Love on Yourself
How Long Should You continue to pray for healing?
Until it is done. It would be well to do a special prayer at least twice a day, but trust the process. It works.
One other thing. If we are praying for another who is in a critical condition, we may need to hold that person in almost constant prayer saying: “Thank you, God, that your healing power is increased in this person, working toward perfect health.”
Just keep visualizing that person in perfect health surrounded by and infused with the light and love of God. And join in with that love.