Look at it this way: all of us are surrounded by electricity and by various wavelengths of light and energy.
However, a house that is full of electricity will not even make a lamp glow unless the bulb is somehow connected to that electrical source. Or a smart phone will not be of much use unless it is able to tune into the frequency of the Wi-Fi device. It sounds so simple but the same is true of our bodies and souls.
The whole universe is full of the creative energy of God. BUT, only the amount that flows through our beings will work for us. We are immersed in the creative energy of God like a modern house is immersed in electrical and radio frequencies. We have to make sure about the connection.
In other words, the infinite and creative energy of God is there to help us…. IF we are prepared to connect or tune into that life in ourselves.
Jesus seemed to understand that. He said that “the kingdom of God is within you.” Part of learning to live in the kingdom of heaven (like He did) is learning to turn on the light of God from within.

Connect to God's creative energy
How Do You Work With Healing Light?
Personally, we ask for the indwelling of God’s Holy Spirit in the body. Then we picture that part of the body that most needs His life. Imagine His light and life glowing there like a fire — or shining there like a heat lamp.
Sometimes in a personal session with a person, we focus on that light picture enough so that we see the healing taking place in real time. In effect we allow the use of our whole being to gently heal the person.
Then throughout the day we continually give thanks that God’s life is at work within that person. And that it is accomplishing His perfect will to recreate them after His image and likeness.
It’s like being in partnership with the Creator of the Universe who SO loves His creation. God’s will is written in His nature; and that nature is love. Therefore when we pray according to the law of love, we are praying according to His will.
It is very gentle, very respectful and very powerful.